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“Enahancing the resilience among the professionals in mixed neighborhoods  in Haifa

The Project focuses on supporting and supervising all professional staffs and/or activists in the mixed neighborhoods in Haifa, (mixed=Arabs and Jews). Mainly social workers, but also all professionals and activists who work directly with families and residents of the neighborhoods, this is due to the difficult political events that occurred in May and shooked the trust among residents of the same neighborhoods.


Objectives of the project:

• Creating a significant improvement to the safety and security of professionals and activists who were exposed to the political violence in May.

• Creating a significant improvement to the resilience of the professionals whose job, previous to the recent events, is to protect women victims of violence and women at risk in these neighborhoods of Haifa.

• Creating an open dialogue between Arabs and Jewish professionals in these neighborhoods and increasing the sense of mutual trust in order for them to be resistant to difficult events if they recure in the future.


The project is taking place in the mixed neighborhoods such as: Allenbi, Hadar, German Colony and Wadi Aljmal. (Ein Hayam) and Halisa in Haifa.


The project is funded by the "Ruth& Edward Snatager" foundation.

Launched by the Adar Association: The Professional Forum for Combating Women's Murder Crimes in Haifa, the "Adar Association for Supporting Our Society in the Corona Crisis" campaign.

During the campaign, the association distributed videos of women and professionals from Arab and Jewish society from various fields of care, the purpose of which is to provide support to men and women and families who are in homes at such an unexpected and unnatural time in our lives.

During this campaign, the association endeavored to provide answers and answers to all the questions and concerns that arose among the people and families in society during the first wave of the crisis and regarding its implications for their lives and relationships within the family.

Following the capmine, the association has opened a toll-free telephone line for counseling and assistance to workers and social workers who work and work at the front with families in crisis.

Campaign preparation: Said Diabat and Manel Shelby.

Edited by Muhammad Khalil.

The Red Localities Project

The Red Localities Project began to operate in August 2020. It is funded by the Israel Schusterman Foundation. The project began following the need that arose during the first wave of the coronavirus crisis, in which the Ad’ar Association succeeded in reaching a wide audience of professionals in Jewish and Arab localities including social workers who worked in emergency formats with minimal resources and without guidance. Through all of this, the association managed to raise the issues and challenges faced by caregivers during this period and put them on the public agenda in general and the agenda of therapeutic and professional frameworks in particular.


Target Audience:

The Arab localities which are classified as red according to the Ministry of Health (ie. with a high percentage of morbidity of Coronavirus) and in which at the same time, the percentage of gender-based violence has increased significantly.


The main goals of the project are:

  • Raising awareness among the professionals themselves to the importance of sharing and requesting help for their own distress, distress stemming from the intensive continuous care for victims of violence some of whom, unfortunately, are murdered in the end. This awareness helps them put their needs and difficulties on the social and systemic agenda and gives them legitimacy so that they will receive support and help with their mental and emotional distress following the treatment of others.

  • Building and nurturing groups of professionals to strengthen them and help them withstand emotional stress stemming from their treatment of victims of violence in the field so that they can give effective professional care that will protect as many women as possible and prevent the murder of women.

  • Building a culture of mutual aid among professionals in the field.

  • Raising awareness among the general public and among the therapeutic community to the subject of mental and emotional distress of the therapists themselves and attempting with this awareness, to lower levels of tensions, anger, and resentment that the patients and society, in general, have towards the professionals and by this closeness and the lowering of tension to try to mobilize the whole community to fight the phenomenon of the murder of women.


Promoting a Culture of Media Consumption for Arab students Towards Correcting their Behavior and Creating Solutions Which Contribute to their Civil and Social Mobility

Together with the rising violence in society,  in 2019 alone, 94 people were killed, among them 11 women, and there were thousands of criminal incidents, from theft to shootings etc., the Ad’ar Association: the Professional Forum to Fight the Murder of Women together with I’lam, the Arab Center for Media Freedom, Development and Research funded by the Welfare” Foundation, launched in 2020, the project “Promoting a Culture of Media Consumption for Arab Students of Communication Towards Correcting their Behavior Through Awareness and Training - for the correct consumption of traditional media and the virtual world. From the literature it is clear that technological development contributes negatively to the development of violence, considering that it acts in exchange for raising students' awareness, refining their personalities, and defining their identity and belonging.


The project involves target groups selected from five different Arab schools, from the Negev, Nazareth, Haifa, and other places.


The project was launched on March 12, 2020, in the Al-Mutanabi school in Haifa, where the staff of the project together with the school’s staff and the educator Rawia Burbara organized a Media Day in the school. A number of media personalities were invited and gave enriching lectures in the fields of media and cinema, media and the virtual world, incitement in the media, violence in the media, and journalistic investigations.


It is worth mentioning that the project will work to raise the students’ awareness of the importance of correct consumption of the media, to train them to build media campaigns that address violence in general with innovative solutions. The project will conclude with a study evaluating the phenomenon of rising violence in our society and the solutions offered to it.


The Ad’ar Association: The Professional Forum to Fight the Murder of Women in Haifa, launched  a campaign “the Ad’ar Association Supporting our Society During the Coronavirus Crisis”.


During the campaign, the Association distributed videos of professionals in various therapeutic fields in the Arab and Jewish communities, with the aim of supplying support to professionals and the families who are home during this so unexpected and unnatural time in our lives.


During this campaign, the association endeavored to provide answers to all the questions and concerns that arose among the people and families in the community during the first wave of the crisis and in regards to its implications for their lives and relationships within the family.


Following the campaign, the association opened a free telephone line for counseling and aid for social workers who work on the frontlines with families in crisis.

Campaign Preparation: Manal Shalabi and Sa’ed Diabat


Editing:[NR1]  Muhamad Khalil


“Safe-Family” Project in The Negev region

Women in the Naqab/Negev region”.

This innovative project is focuses on supporting Bedouin women from the Negev, who suffer multiple levels of discrimination as members of a marginalized national minority in Israel, and as women in the traditionally patriarchal Bedouin society. This double discrimination places Bedouin women in a highly vulnerable positions, which are typically exacerbated by their socio-economic and geographical isolation.

The project works with five target groups and beneficiaries:

  • Members of the Assembly of Bedouin Women Leaders;

  • 100 female leaders and community members from 10 unrecognized villages;

  • Eight Local Authorities in the Negev region;

  • Professional specialists (social workers, psychologists) in the treatment of Gender Based Violence;

  • 20 Secondary school teachers from eight secondary schools in the Negev;

  • Local secondary school students/youth;

  • The Consortium of Civil Society Organizations partners for the action;

  • The general public targeted through media campaigns.

The project will be operating for a period of three years.

This project is co- funded by the European Union.

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