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Find out more about the gender of the Gendarme branch in the Corona branch

Manali شلبي


لقد استقطبت قضية العنف الجندري طوال فترة جائحة الكورونا اهتماما كبيرا ومتزايدا من قبل الجمعيات النسوية وشهدت حراكا لم تشهده من قبل, خاصة عندما ارتفعت وبشكل ملحوظ, التبليغات عن العنف في العائلة والتوجهات لخطوط الطوارئ, علاوة عن الارتفاع الحاد بنسبة 760% لتوجهات الفتيان والفتيات ضحايا العنف In the window. اذ بلغ  عدد التوجهات للسلطات الرسمية ما بين تاريخ 13 و 20 أيار, 512 توجها لفتيات ونساء ضحايا العنف الجندري, أي بمعدل 73 توجها في اليوم مقارنة مع معدل 8 توجهات في الأسبوع خلال الأسبوع الأول للحظر الصحي (آذار), وقد أدى الاغلاق الذي نتج عن أزمة الكورونا إلى Explain what you are trying to do, and if you want to get rid of clutter you may find yourself on the wrong side of the screen with.

The problem of violence in Arab society began with violence against women.

Local call: 20.05.2019

Feminist organizations have been warning the leadership of the Arab public for years that if they do not do enough to prevent gender-based violence, it will reach everyone's home. In the absence of real treatment by the state and its institutions of the problem, the Arab leadership must do much more than has been done so far.

Who will protect the social workers?

Manal Shelby:

Haaretz - The Arena 16.10.2019

The murder of social worker Michal Sala caused shock among her colleagues in the profession, especially those dealing with areas that are the law of souls: how did such a case pass over us? How is it possible that severe domestic violence, which ended in murder, went under the radar of the community of social workers that surrounded it? In fact, it is another gender-based murder that exposes the helplessness and helplessness of caregivers, in protecting women and girls, and also in protecting their own lives.

The social facts are the ones that should be at the forefront of the struggles

Manel Shelby-

Local call 23.07.2020

The social workers' strike was unparalleled, leading to a move for social change. But this move remains isolated, and their important and just protest as it may be will not achieve its goals as long as they avoid and shy away from being key players in the social, economic and political struggles in the country.


When I retired from my job as a caregiver social worker more than 16 years ago, I was sad even though the decision to retire was mine.



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