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Noor Raslan


Partner Attorney at the firm of Adv. Ahmad Raslan, Nur Raslan & Co. established 23 years ago.

Specialist in civil and commercial litigation.

Jasmine Legal Adviser.

Holds additional academic degrees which include accounting and business administration.

Attorney Raslan attended a number of overseas law courses at New York University, University of London, Fordham University

She is the chair of the Audit Committee of the Bar Association.


Sa'eed Diabat

Social entrepreneur

A social entrepreneur in the field of youth and social diversity, founded the club: "Youth for change Galiliee" which connects young people from the Galilee with young people from other countries, founded the "Averroes association for the promotion of multicultural social development." Box.

He holds a bachelor's degree in behavioral sciences from Ben-Gurion University and a master's degree in education from Oranim College.

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Basha'er Fahoum - Jayousi


Adv. Bashaeir Fahoum Jayossi is the founder and owner of a private law firm, specializing in representing individuals and companies in the areas of commercial law, litigation, contract law, contract law, communications law, and defamation law.


Adv. Faho-um-Giussi is a public and social activist in civil society, and she holds a number of positions, including:


Co-chair of the board of directors of the Avraham Initiatives Association, a non-profit organization that works to create a common society and to create full integration and equal rights between Palestinian Arab citizens and Jewish citizens.


Chair of the Audit Committee at the University of Haifa and a member of the University's Board of Trustees, after a three-term term on the University's Board of Directors.


Founding member and member of the board of directors of the partnership association, which operates a peer program that is a network to promote a growing leadership backbone that focuses on promoting civic equality and coexistence.


Bashir also served as a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Government Port of Haifa, as a member of the Directorate of the National Center for Mediterranean Studies in Israel, a member of the Executive Committee of the Women's Lobby in Israel,

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Doaa Haddad- Shama

Supervisor at the Ministry of Health

Married and mother of three children, resident of Nazareth.

Supervisor in the Ministry of Health and Coordinator of the Prevention of Violence for the Elderly in the Northern District since 2014.

Holds a master's degree in social work.

Receipt in 2019, the Commissioner's Medal of Excellence in recognition and appreciation for her contribution to the civil service on behalf of the Health Bureau - Northern District of the Ministry of Health.


Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia, Ph.D.


Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia, Ph.D., earned his doctoral degree in social work from the University of Minnesota, and is currently Gordon Brown Chair and Professor of Social Work, at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. His research areas include: rates, risk factors, and mental health consequences of violence against women; psycho-social profiles of violent men against intimate partners; beliefs of professionals, students, and the general public about wife beating; the short-term and long-term mental health consequences of child abuse and neglect; children in war zones; mental health consequences of the exposure of children and parents to community violence and political violence; and the socio-cultural and socio-political contexts of child maltreatment and violence against women as well as the relevance of these contexts to the education and practice of mental health professions. He has published extensively about these topics in leading refereed journals. Prof. Haj-Yahia has been serving on the editorial board of several journals, such as Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal; Violence against Women; Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy; Journal of Family and Economic Issues, among many others. Furthermore, in October 2009, he was granted the Distinguished International Alumni Award by the University of Minnesota, and in March 2016, he was granted, by the Israeli Association of Social Workers, the award Best Social Worker in the Academia for his pioneering studies on different topics of family violence in collectivist societies. Additionally, Prof. Haj-Yahia has served on the board of several non-governmental and human rights organizations and is a member of the Academic Councils of several colleges in Israel.

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سعاد زهر الدين- حسون

محاميّة ومراقبة داخلية

حاصلة على اللقب الأول بالحقوق من جامعة ليفربول في إنجلترا ولقب ثاني بإدارة الحكم المحلي من جامعة حيفا. خرّيجة برنامج قيادي "مكان" منظمة معوز. 

شغلت لمدة عشرين عاماً وظيفة مراقبة مجلس محلي دالية الكرمل ومسؤولة عن شكاوى الجمهور (بما في ذلك مراقبة بلدية الكرمل أثناء فترة دمج السلطات المحلية بجبل الكرمل). 

تنشط المحامية زهر الدين- حسّون في أطر ولجان وجمعيات اجتماعية وجماهيرية مختلفة التي تُعني بشؤون اجتماعية وحقوق الانسان وخاصة ما يخص المرأة دورها ومكانتها، حقوق الطفل وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.

متزوجة وأم لولدين. من سكان دالية الكرمل. 



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