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Adar Association - is a professional association and the affiliation is subject to the payment of fees. For the organization there are no employees and the funding is to cover current events and services only.
Affiliation fees are according to the annual income rate (more can be donated of course):

75,000 - 100,000 - 50 NIS

Transfer  The amount of the membership fee for the association's bank account:
Bank account: Bank Hapoalim 704 branch, account number 546167. Winter Center, Haifa.

Track 50

SKU: AD03T50
  • Adar Association - is a professional association and the affiliation is subject to the payment of fees. For the organization there are no employees and the funding is to cover current events and services only.
    Affiliation fees are according to the annual income rate (more can be donated of course):

    75,000 - 100,000 - 50 NIS

    Transfer  The amount of the membership fee for the association's bank account:
    Bank account: Bank Hapoalim 704 branch, account number 546167. Winter Center, Haifa.

Our addresses

Ad'ar Organization: 10 Radak st. P.O.Box 9150.

Postal Code:3109191


Ad'ar Association - This is a professional association and the association is subject to the payment of fees. The organization is NGO and the funding is only to cover current events and services.

User registration


© 2011 ِAd'ar Forum of Professionals Who Oppose Women's Murder Crimes

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