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Ad'ar – Forum of Professionals to Oppose the Murder of Women, invited the European Union Ambassador, Mr. Emanuele Giaufret, to visit a shelter of women victims of violence; to learn more about the nature of work and services provided in these frameworks. Ms. Ruti Mozes, inspector at the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services and Ms. Ranna Tchelet from the Department of International Relations of the Ministry of Social Welfare joined the visit.

The Ambassador met with the director of the shelter and the staff of social workers specialized in the treatment of women and children victims of violence. The professional staff presented data on the women residing in the shelter. The presentation focused on the services and psychological assistance received by women and children in order to protect them and enable them to maintain independent living after leaving the shelter. The director of the shelter stressed that 40% of the women who seek protection and stay in shelters of women victims of violence are Arab women. Based on these facts, the director of the Ada’r and Director of the shelter emphasized the importance of increasing the services provided to women victims of violence and increasing the number of frameworks and shelters that provide the much needed protection and accompaniment required to building of a socially and economically independent life after leaving the shelter.A

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